Steal My Personal Financial Statement Template [Free Excel Download]

I took the one-step challenge to organize my finances. To meet the challenge, I decided to build our personal financial statements into one excel sheet – a downloadable one-sheet, dashboard-style view of our finances.

I determined it should have our personal income statement and personal balance sheet, as well as the account IDs and passwords associated with those accounts.

This personal financial statement template would also provide details about any automatic transfers or payments I have in place. Lastly, at the bottom of the page, I could place our main financial goals. Here’s what it looks like:

Personal Financial Statement Template by Part-Time Money

This “dashboard” will allow me to see a quick view of our net worth, budget, log-in credentials for each account, and goals we’re striving for. Not only did it help me manage my finances better, it provided a cheat sheet for my wife in the event something were to happen to me.

Printing out a copy and throwing it in the safe is a good idea. To be honest, now that we have the online net worth tracking tool, Empower, I no longer use this sheet. But the sheet was a great tool at the time.

Why Having Your Personal Finance Statements Matters

Getting the big picture of your finances in front of you like this is the first step anyone should take in organizing their finances. Just like in my 10 Things series, where my first step is to “track your regular monthly expenses“.

You don’t have to have your financial act together to complete this exercise. This could be your first step. Knowing where you stand is a good starting point for turning things around.

Download My Personal Financial Statement Template [Free]

While I’m not going to share my exact personal financial statement, I’ve built a template for you to use. It’s nothing fancy. Still, feel free to grab it, fill it with your own information, then stash it somewhere safe and secure.

Share the template with your friends too if they are looking to improve their financial life.

The login credential area is shaded grey, so it’s a bit harder to read for someone standing over your shoulder.

Download: Direct Download

Of course, life changes constantly, so your financial statements will only be accurate for a short time. Add the dashboard to your jump/flash drive or Google Docs account to update them periodically.

Good luck, and let me know if you have any questions about editing your dashboard.

Looking for more free excel spreadsheets? Check out 7 Free Excel Templates for Budgeting, Expense Tracking, and More

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  1. Hi, I just found your site. I just found a website that does this for you the other day called Empower. It works like Microsoft Money or one of those types of programs in that it will show your balances in all your banking accounts, retirement accounts, etc. It ever helps you keep track of your net worth by adding in the value of things like your home and vehicles and taking away debts such as credit cards. As long as you feel comfortable using a third-party website to watch all your bank accounts (they use bank level encryption to keep your passwords and account numbers safe), it’s a great thing because it’s free! They’ll even give you month by month budget advice.
    Phew, sorry for that long first post. I’d never heard of Empower before last week but it’s been easy to use so far, and no trouble with my accounts yet.

  2. Thanks for the post! I did something myself like this recently, but I am going to look over your spreadsheet and see if there is anything I missed. Thanks!!

  3. Thanks for the tips on how to secure Excel… I made a spreadsheet of my own and forgot how to set the password. Don’t worry though, I won’t forget the password! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. I am a Quicken guy myself. Call me lazy but updating all of my accounts with a single click is the way to go in my opinion.

  5. It is really neat what you can see when you put it all out in front of you for sure – a good first step to REALIZING where your money goes is to actually input it; from there you’ll certainly see! Good job PT!

  6. Avatar AnnMarie Johnson says:

    Thank you for this! I think I’ll use it for my DH in case of trouble–I keep track of all of this in Quicken and my head. If I were to be out of commission, my DH would be a bit lost. He knows it’s in Quicken and could eventually figure it all out, but it would take a while. I particularly like the place to indicate if a payment is on auto or not.

  7. What a blessing for you to share this. Many companies charge a pretty penny for a spreadsheet like this. Now all I have to do is fill in the blanks. Thanks a million.

  8. Looks good, but you should figure out some way to secure the spreadsheet. Let’s say someone stole your laptop, they could ended up with all your account information with passwords and everything.

  9. Thanks, Laura. I’m an accountant so I’m quick with spreadsheets. The hard part was going out and gathering all the login credentials. That took a while, if not a few days. Some accounts are still pending actually on my sheet (couldn’t remember the login). As for the account balances, I use BOA’s “My Portfolio” and was able to pull a lot of my data automatically using that.

    All that to say, I don’t know since I’ve piece-mealed this thing. If I were to sit down and do it from scratch I’d say 3hrs.

  10. This is a great spreadsheet PT! How long did it take for you to complete this?

  11. @Mary – Widen the column and you’ll see that “tic?” becomes “Automatic?”. The column just needs to be widened. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Oh, and by automatic, I mean, is the bill being paid automatically each month without me doing anything.

  12. I’m really late in finding this spreadsheet so I hope you’re still taking comments. What does the “tic?” mean to you?

    Otherwise, I LOVE this. I’ve been resolving to do something for years, but this makes it simple. Thanks for sharing.

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