FinCon Founder’s Story: How I Built FinCon

If you’re a follower of my twitter feed you’ve no doubt seen my recent references to #FINCON11 and the Financial Blogger Conference. I thought I would take a moment here to explain this new venture of mine.
The conference itself was a blast; a great experience. Most everything went off without a hitch and most of the 250+ attendees have given it positive reviews. To read more about how the conference went down, be sure to check out some of the recaps:
- A Meeting of Minds: Financial Blogger Conference
- Financial Blogger Conference 2011: Meeting the PF Blogger World (includes links to 30+ more recaps)
The Marketplace Money podcast also covered the conference.
Instead of doing another recap, I thought I would provide some information about how the conference was conceived and planned – a behind-the-scenes look if you will.
A Word About Our Community
Even though I try to keep this blog centered around you, the reader, my blog probably wouldn’t have done as well as it has if it weren’t for the other bloggers in my community that have supported and encouraged my blogging efforts over the past 4 years. We comment on each other’s blogs, we participate in forums where we talk about blogging and business, we create networks (like the Money Life Network I was a member of) and we email back and forth about various things.

Heck, the reason I got started blogging about finances is because I was addicted to reading other blogs, primarily Consumerism Commentary. I figured if I was going to be obsessed with consuming this information then I should at least start producing a bit of it on my own.
What I’m trying to say here is that there is a real online community of people blogging about their money. This is a self-serving comment, but I think there is something special about a person who chooses to share their financial story online. We’re the ones writing about the things that no one naturally wants to open up about. That open-ness really has a way of connecting each of us. It’s also the reason that some of my face-to-face connections with these bloggers has been so strong. This connection is what eventually led me to want to start a conference.
How a Conference is Born
Back in April of 2008, I attended WordCamp Dallas, the peer conference built around the WordPress developer and blogging community in my area. It was a wonderful experience. Charles Stricklin (who used to run the WordPress Podcast before Joost de Valk) and John P (a fellow blogger and local entrepreneur) did an excellent job of putting this on. It was geeky, fun, and I left with many connections and takeaways. That was actually the first time I thought about meeting up with other bloggers in my niche.
That event inspired me to create the personal finance bloggers map. I saw it as a tool to facilitate local meetups. Bloggers could check the map and find other bloggers close-by who might want to meetup and talk shop or finances.
I like to think that my map led to some “offline” connections, but I know that meetups were happening long before I came along. The DC area bloggers have been doing a meetup for a while, and the Bay Area bloggers have had plenty of get togethers.
My first “offline” connection didn’t happen until August of 2009 when a local blogger, Jason from One Money Design, stumbled upon my map and decided to reach out. We met for a beer at a local pub and had an instant connection. It was great. I now consider Jason a good friend.

My next big “real world” connection was at another conference: Affiliate Summit West 2010. It was here that I got to meet DR from Dough Roller, Ryan from Cash Money Life, and David from MoneyNing. This was a life-changing experience. All three of these bloggers had learned to effectively use their blogging efforts to generate enough income to quit their jobs. This was something I’d struggled to do on my own. The conversations at this conference were what eventually led me to be able to strike out on my own, connect with my consultant Michael, and do this blogging thing full-time. You can read the rest of the story here: self-employment – a year later.
Other critical meetups I’ve had along the way: meeting Baker of Man vs Debt post-SXSW 2010 and meeting Glen from Free From Broke at Affiliate Summit East 2010.
All these meetups led to 2 conclusions:
- Financial bloggers are “my people” and it’s fun to be around them.
- My business improves with each meetup.
Imagine the fun I could have and improvements I could make if I got *everyone* together?
Well, that’s how I arrived at the place where I really wanted to make this conference happen. But I still didn’t have permission to do it. I needed someone to tell me it was okay to do it. In January of 2011 I was reading up on what conferences were happening in 2011 and I stumbled upon this post: Is 2011 the Year of Niche Blog Conferences? That was it! Somehow that post totally gave me the green light to do this!
From Meetup to Full-Blown Conference
After saying “yes” to myself, I decided to bounce the idea off of some online friends. The responses were all positive and most agreed to come if I had it. I decided Chicago was the best place to have it because it was in the center of the country and I knew 10 to 15 bloggers who lived within driving distance that would come (thank you guys…you know who you are). Initial projections were that we would have around 10 people fly in, giving us a total of 25 bloggers there. Maybe we could stretch this into 40 or 50 if we got lucky.
My initial vision was a weekend in Chicago where we all have dinner together and then the next day a few of us very casually lead sessions on our respective areas of expertise.
My next step was to enlist Pete from Bible Money Matters and Logos for Websites to design a legit logo to give the conference idea a professional look. Pete didn’t disappoint. I slapped the logo on the website and Facebook page, created an email list in my Aweber account and got ready to soft launch the idea.
I was nervous. I was about to stick my head out there with a big idea and I was a bit afraid it wouldn’t be well received. Who was I to be putting on this conference? I’m by no means the oldest, biggest, or brightest financial blogger.

After a weekend of fretting over it, I decided just to do it. On February 24th I told members of an online forum that I participate in about the conference. By midnight that night 35 people had signed up for the conference email list. By the end of the next day, we had a total of 50. By the end of the week, we had over 100 people on the email list! This thing was blowing up! What I quickly realized was how ready this community was for this thing.
The next couple of months were a lot of fun. Energy for the conference remained steady as we picked a date, and opened up registration on When I saw people actually putting their money where their email address was, I started to breath easier that this would happen. I wanted to keep the conference affordable and also to reward the early adopters. Therefore, those on the email list received a discount coupon, and early bird prices were set at a very reasonable $89.
In hindsight we didn’t do a great job of picking a date. I chose to do this part open-source (those on the email list helped pick the date) and it I thought we had picked a good date until we realized:
- it wasn’t ideal for those who deal with an accounting close each quarter
- it wasn’t ideal for those who celebrate Rosh Hashanah
- downtown Chicago hotels were mostly booked up by members of a retail store convention.
Lesson learned. In 2012 I’ll pay more attention to work and religious calendars, as well as consulting the local tourism organization about conflicts.
Picking a hotel location proved to be a difficult task. Not only because of the Downtown conflict mentioned above, but because I wanted to keep the price affordable. I had help from the search firm HelmsBriscoe (specifically Carolyn Coughlin), who very patiently helped me find the best spot for us. I had initially envisioned Downtown Chicago, but that just didn’t work out, even after the folks at Morningstar generously offered up their beautiful facility.

We eventually decided on the Chicago Marriott Schaumburg. I was familiar with this suburb, it was relatively close to the airport and it had very affordable hotels. The best thing about this choice was that it kept everyone on one central location. We all got to spend a ton of time with each other before and after the sessions. The hotel lobby was never void of a few bloggers just hanging out chatting it up.
Creating Value for Sponsors
Once I signed a contract with a hotel, I was looking at a food and beverage minimum of $10,000. After looking at the hotel catering menu though, I knew it would be much more (the final food and drink bill was closer to $35,000). The financial burden of this event was real, and I’m not a risk taker. At that time, I knew registrations would likely help us cover $7,500, so I knew I needed some outside help to make this event possible.
Thankfully, I had a few friends at some financial companies and ad networks that I knew might be interested in being a part of this event. My thought was that I would do this in two phases. First, I would roll out an initial set of sponsorship opportunities that would help cover some of the basic needs of the conference. If the conference continued to grow (beyond 100 attendees), then I would introduce the second level of bigger, more visible opportunities for any interested companies. It worked!
This whole sponsorship deal was a challenge for me. I’m not naturally very good at sales, negotiation, or contract organization. Basically I copied what I saw other conferences doing and trusted that the companies involved would find value in their investment. Hopefully, they were not disappointed.
Let me just say that this conference would not have become what it did without the generous support of over 25 organizations throwing their support at it. I really, really appreciate those initial sponsorships and everyone else that came along to make this an affordable success for the attendees and not a financial burden for my family.
Planning Content
I knew the primary focus of the conference was going to be networking: people meeting each other face to face after all these years of connecting online. But I also wanted it to have some nice, unique and niche content – something that other, bigger conferences couldn’t deliver.
Following in the steps of the WordCamps I’d attended. I wanted the content on stage to be from people in the online community and I wanted it to be very tactical and fast-paced. No fluff.
Again, I opened up this opportunity to those in the financial blogging community and they did not disappoint. Many big-name bloggers came forward to speak at the conference. This totally legitimized what I was trying to put together and I saw ticket sales spike as a result. Thank you, speakers!

One of the toughest parts of planning the content was selecting speakers and topics and then fitting that in on the conference schedule. Many excellent speaking proposals were submitted. I appreciate everyone who submitted something. I hate telling people no. So I had to overcome that during the course of building this thing. One of the things that helped was having a pre-conference survey. This definitely helped me determine what the attendees wanted on stage.
In addition to the survey, I also implemented some other peer conference tactics: ask the expert tables and birds-of-a-feather sessions. In hindsight, these weren’t executed perfectly, but I think they helped to build community and connections that otherwise might not have happened.
Beyond the educational content, we also had plenty of social time, a community awards ceremony, and a service event built into the conference. I’m really proud of our efforts as a group to give back to the local area by doing some work for the cancer-support organization, Phil’s Friends.
Making it Look and Feel Like a Conference

Up until mid-August of this year, I was pretty much running this conference by myself. Of course, I wouldn’t have had anything to run had it not been for the attendees and sponsors, as well as, a few volunteers who were assisting with bits and pieces. But I knew I needed some real help to pull this thing off, leading up to the conference and on-site.
That’s when I turned to my conference staff to help bring this conference home. Jessica has been my virtual assistant (for PT Money) since June and so I knew she’d be a perfect fit to be the lead staff person and administrator. Justin, a college friend, and former bandmate was a perfect choice to help run all of the AV.
My friend Ryan Yates, freelance writer and t-shirt company owner was the perfect fit to help design all of the signage, t-shirts, and other creatives. Finally, Ryan S. is a friend and sounding board, who’s advice I’d used all along during the planning phase. I knew he’d be great to have there as an extra hand and confidant.

The conference still would not have gone so well had it not been for even more people: Kevin Mulligan, who helped organize the tote bag stuffing and ran a camera at each of the main sessions; Andrea Travillian from Smart Step, who helped choose our menu for the weekend; Shareeke Edmead-Nesi from The Conscious Spender, who helped organize the Tweet Chat, Kyle from Joe the Runner, who helped with sales; Ryan Guina from Cash Money Life for letting us store all of the conference material and swag for over a month; all the kind bloggers who participated in the tote bag stuff.
Breaking Down the Cost of a Conference
No behind the scenes look would be complete without a breakdown of the costs of the event. I’m still finalizing some of the numbers but this should give you an idea of what it takes to put on this type of event.
- Hotel Conference Rooms (Free) – The hotel throws in the meeting space for free when you guarantee x number of rooms and a certain amount of food purchases.
- WiFi ($2,000) – The WiFi in the conference area was $1,000 a day, and that was at a discount.
- Food and Alcohol ($37,000) – Hotel food is expensive, y’all! In an ideal world I would have liked to have covered more meals than I did. But you can see why this was tough. Also in an ideal world I would like to have catered more of our own food into the conference (bring in more local flavor), but hotels don’t work that way.
- Buses ($1,200) – The buses that ran between the hotel and the restaurant area on Saturday night we’re a necessity considering the location of the hotel. A cost that will be avoided next year.
- Community Event ($5,000) – Transportation, coordination, food, travel, etc.
- Audio/Visual and Equipment ($12,000) – We purchased a few things, rented a few things from private companies, but did the rest through the hotel. Like the food, they have you where they want you and can charge a premium.
- T-Shirts, Signs, Totes, and Badges ($5,500) – I’m glad we were able to do some of this. Gave the conference that official look and feel. Loved those badges.
- Insurance ($200) – Event insurance is cheap. One of my favorite purchases.
- Staff ($6,000) – The 4 staff members earned every bit of this over the course of two months.
- PayPal and Eventbrite Fees ($2,000) – The Eventbrite system and PayPal payment receipt system are nice and convenient, but you certainly pay for it.
- Travel, Hotel, Transport, and Shipping ($4,000) – Having the conference in Chicago definitely made it more expensive logistically.
- Gifts, Printing, and Etc ($3,000) – I wasn’t sure what was typical, but I decided to give the speakers who spent time preparing remarks a little gift for their time. It’s possible this was a bribe for them to be a part of next year’s conference.
Total Expenses – ($77,900)
Sponsorships – $64,000
Ticket Sales – $25,000
Amount Available to Invest in 2012 – $11,100
How to Run Your Own Successful Peer Conference
If you are going to run a conference of your own, here are some of the things you should consider doing:
- Read the book on it. I only used a small portion of his techniques, but Adrian Segar who wrote Conferences that Work, was key in influencing the type of conference this became.
- Don’t reinvent the wheel. While Adrian’s ideas are new, there are some conferences already executing variations of his techniques. I copied many of the best elements I’d seen from WordCamp, Affiliate Summit, and even SOBCon.
- Tap into an already engaged community. This is huge. Besides my time on the conference blog and Facebook page, I never spent a dime to market this conference. It went viral in an already connected community.
- Grow it organically. Plan two or three variations of a conference, then see where you end up. Adjust accordingly.
- Make the attendees the stars. As much as possible I tried to let the participants of the conference create the experience. I did this using the pre-conference content survey, by paying attention to the Twitter hashtag for suggestions, and by asking for feedback at every step of the way.
- Invest in a local staff. My staff members and I had many long face-to-face meetings. Having them right there by my side pouring over planning documents or designs really allowed us to knock out the detail work very quickly.
Well, I hope that gives you a sense of what inspired me to do this and what it takes to pull it all together. I can assure you I’ll be doing this again in 2012. It was too much fun.
Jeff Rose from did an interview with me about the conference planning experience:
Have any questions about the conference or the planning process? Fire away in the comments below…
Photo by Peter.Anderson and by Jesse Michelsen and by RedPhoenixGroup.
You are welcome, Greg. Glad it helped.
This came in handy when I was planning my press event.
Thanks a lot.
I had a great time at the conference, but I do have one serious concern about not just this year’s event, but also future FINCON events that may result in my boycotting the whole event.
PAY YOURSELF! You worked very hard to create something that everyone really enjoyed. You deserve it!
Thanks for the full transparency. I was shocked when you decided to not host the conference in your hometown. I imagine this must have been a stressful time for you. I couldn’t tell by talking to you because you were 100% calm the whole weekend.
My biggest surprise was the attendance. I thought this was going to be like 30 bloggers just sitting around. It was a colossal event!
Hi Phil,
All of the hard you put into making this conference happen showed. I really appreciate all of your efforts and absolutely LOVED the conference. You can’t put a price tag on how awesome the content and connections that were made. THANK YOU! It was very much appreciated. And I look forward to FINCON12!
WOW, Phil! You make it look so easy! 🙂
I remember the original email, the organic-ness of the conference and it blew up into a full fledged “PLACE TO BE!”
I know, the community can not wait for next year! And if you need to bring anyone else on, I’d LOVE to be here to help!
PS. Columbus, Ohio is a great place for a conference. Just sayin’
Oh my gosh, Phil! You did such a great job planning this conference. Thanks for sharing some of the background information. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for next year.
This conference was AWESOME! It was run a if it has been taking place for years already. You and your staff did an absolutely great job with both the logistics and the speakers. Honestly, there was more food and beverage than I expected.
Hopefully your team can line up more sponsors to go as big as you’d like to…you’re supposed to make a profit. It is a business afterall.
Good job!
Phil, that was a great behind the scenes look. I love those! What all was covered by the event insurance? I would never have thought to include that.
The event insurance covered property damage and bodily injury, up to $2M. Thankfully there were none. I used Very smooth and reasonably priced setup.
I really enjoyed reading the backstory to the conference. As others said, it was so valuable and I will sign up as soon as registration is open for Fincon12!
P.S. If San Diego is selected as the location, I’m happy to help in any way needed (storage, guest room for scouting trips, etc.).
Thanks so much for putting this on! The whole thing was inspiring. You really put a lot into this, and I think many of us would be more than willing to give back and help out for FINCON12.
You would never have known that it was your first event (unless you consider that some events get worse as time goes on). Your first time at bat was a grand-slam, IMO.
Great post. Congratulations on pulling off such a successful event!
Philip, you obviously put an incredible amount of effort into the conference. I have heard chatter from a couple of the participants, and it was clearly a smash success in their eyes.
Great job on the conference Phil! This article was an interesting look at behind the scenes.
Regarding length – I wouldn’t mind a longer conference but I’d say keep the conference the same length and people can just show up earlier and hang out. If I could do it again I would have arrived on Thursday during the day. Call it the tailgate party. 😉
I have my badge hanging from my rearview mirror. 😐
Thanks, Mike. I agree on the length. Many have expressed interest in a longer event. What I can do is spread out the content from Friday mid-morning till Sunday at noon. And have all of the optional social stuff on Thursday night. Still kicking ideas around, but that’s definitely where I’m headed. That’s awesome about your badge. I’m still wearing mine. 😐
Hey Philip,
Thanks for sharing this fascinating post with us, so we can see all the hard work and years of planning you put into this conference. It goes without saying you did a real bang-up job, above and beyond (and your team behind you). That’s one thing I learned when I was in business, you are only as good as the people around you. As they also say “go big or go home..” and you really stepped up to the plate on this one. It really showed!
Honestly, I don’t think you could have done it better! I saw very little that didn’t work, everything seemed very smooth and well planned. Obviously all those years of wanting to do this event, planning the details, and organizing the people and resources came together – not to mention some faith in letting the process fall into place. And you can also take pride in the fact that you did the first one! 🙂
I also would say as some the others have, although you deserve the 11K, the fact you are going to reinvest into the next one is also above and beyond (I think you could take some of that however as salary for you and your family – its well deserved).
Avrom, The Dividend Ninja
Wow. Reading through all of this just makes me respect you and what you achieved all the more. I’m so proud of what you did and how you brought us all together.
It’s easy to support you Phil and say you did a great job since I’ve known you online for years. But the truth is, you truly did an amazing job with the conference. It really ran smoothly and I’m pretty sure EVERYONE had a great time.
You mentioned networking with like-minded people and actually meeting up face-to-face as critical moments. I feel exactly the same way. Seeing the people who are part of your community, and talking to them directly, especially in this online medium where we are all behind computer, has easily helped to put me where I am today. [Great shout-out to the Money Life Network!]
I loved the badges too! Mine is hanging up in front of me, that’s how cool it is. And it’s a great, inspiring reminder of the conference.
I know if I ran an event like this it would turn out more like a bad scene in Spinal Tap than the successful conference you ran.
I’m looking forward to what you will do for next year!
Cool, I made two of the pictures! It’s tough to see me buried in the Love Drop photo but you can see me & Ryan soaking in Pat’s Facebook knowledge over lunch on Saturday. It’s fun seeing the pics, helps remind me of what an awesome event it was!
I really appreciate all the work you and your team put into the conference, I certainly got far more for my money from FINCON than I ever have at any conference. I agree, the community that’s grown up around personal finance blogs is pretty cool and this event really helped solidify those existing relationships.
There were a lot of people I was looking forward to seeing that I didn’t get a chance to meet. Maybe next year it could be a day or two longer 🙂
For anyone that was on the fence about going this year, I’d definitely recommend heading to FINCON next year. Thanks again Phil for putting it all together!
The conference was first class! I had a great time networking and learned tons I’m already applying to my blog. PT, thanks so much for organizing this event. I can’t wait for next year! Let’s get together soon.
Phil – Excellent summary of an even better event. I was surprised – no shocked – at how smoothly things went and how effective most of the presentations were. You, your team, and the presenters deserve the credit for making it happen.
BTW – Nashville is also in the center of the country and tons of fun. Keep us in mind for a future conference location. I am volunteering now to help!
And yes, pay yourself a bonus!
Unfortunately, I could attend this year, hopefully next year. The word of mouth is amazing on the conference. You obviously did an amazing job. Thanks for the behind the scenes information.
I loved hearing about how everything came together for the PF conference. This was a labor of love. You did a teriffic job.
I’m sure you will have no shortage of volunteers for next year to help, but put me on your spreadsheet-you worked far too hard. I’m sure your family missed you with all the preparation involved.
I have been going to conferences for 35 plus years in my profession, and never has one been run so smoothly and efficiently. (and cheaply!)
Great Job!
Thanks, Dr. Dean. That feedback means a lot coming from an experienced attendee. Next year should be cheap as well. Will definitely keep you in mind for any 2012 tasks.
As someone new to the personal finance blogosphere, I was bummed to find out about this so late. Thanks so much for your hard work in planning this conference and I am looking forward to attending next year!
That’s great, Michael. See you then.
Phil this was an amazing event and you and your staff did such great work.
You’re right, the community was ready for it. When I bought my ticket, I didn’t even know who was speaking but just the chance to meet all the friends I’ve made over the years online was well worth the cost for me. The rest of the conference itinerary was icing on the cake (really, really good icing..)
Thanks for putting this together and I can’t wait for next year!
Thanks for having faith in me and thanks for being such an integral part of the weekend itself. Your pics are everywhere. Did you see the image credit on the Marketplace Money post?
I knew you would deliver!
I was really happy to do the pictures too. I wanted to find a way to force myself out of my comfort zone so I would meet everyone and this helped me do just that. Thanks for the heads up about the Marketplace Money post too, I missed that one!
It’s funny you say that, because that’s exactly what I was doing – forcing myself out of my comfort zone. I was having some talks with a language blogger I follow beforehand about the conference coming up, and basically how I was freaking out about my introversion and shyness would totally ruin my experience.
We all know that didn’t happen!
Yea man, I was worried about that too and needed to make sure that I took advantage of the opportunity 100%. I h ad to take a break or two to just compose my thoughts during the conference but overall spent the bulk of my time mingling like I had hoped.
hahah I only ran away once.. 🙂
Break? I literally ran away a couple of times.
Cool post — Interesting to see the actual numbers… Hotels are making bank on food!!
Yes they are. Maybe next year we can do a few off-site meals.
Thanks for the in-depth look at what it took to pull off the conference – I can’t imagine the amount of work you had to put in to make it happen, but I’m certainly glad you did!
I think the greatest benefit of FINCON11 was the opportunity to feel like a real community of real people. It has solidified my identity as a PF blogger (something I wasn’t too sure about when I bought my ticket) and made me more invested in my blog. I cannot WAIT for next year’s conference!
Awesome! That’s a great testimony. It’s certainly helped raise the bar for me as well. See you next year!
Thanks for the inside look at the conference Phil. I know from talking to you that this was a full time job for you the last few months, and that you put in countless hours to make the conference what it became – a great experience for all involved.
Thanks so much for all your hard work, and I know that next year will be just as good or better!
Agreed. It’s hard not to look ahead at next year. Trying to focus on wrapping 2011 up. But I’m super excited to do it again.
Thanks, PT, I really enjoy reading about the mechanics of executing a major cat-herding operation like this.
Good thing that the Financial Blogger Conference isn’t a non-profit!
Thanks, Nords.
You did great. As long as the next one is CONUS, I’ll be signing up the day you open registrations.
Thanks, Jason. I can assure you it will be in the Country. The 4 most popular choices for 2012 location were Vegas, Dallas, San Diego, and Chicago.
This is a great post, and it’s awesome to see what went into making everything turn out so well. Pretty amazing how interest and registration just took off like that. I was an early bird, and it was an easy decision for me when the cost was only $89 and there were already some fantastic bloggers that were listed as speakers and attendees.
I’m not sure if I’m missing something, but was there a cut for your time factored in to pay yourself? Just curious.
Thanks, Jeffrey. Yeah, the community was ready for it. I just caught the wave of excitement. As for my cut, you could look at it a couple of ways. I could pull that $11K out as my “salary”, or I could consider the PR and the new asset my benefit from the conference. I want this thing to be around for a while and build to be something great. I’m just honored to be in the position I’m in.
I’m glad you’re at the helm of this conference, and I think that’s even more of a testament that you believe in it and aren’t treating it like a cash cow (and there are many conference organizers that do rake in the money). I hope the PR is worth it because you definitely deserve it!