Have a question about money or business? Great! Let me hear from you. I’ll try to answer your question in two business days.
If I think your question is something everyone could benefit from, I may share the answer in an article.
Your information will remain anonymous at all times.
You can email me anytime using my initials [at] ptmoney [dot] com
Social Media
Blogs are dead, they said. So I got some social media profiles for ya.
Business Address
Part-Time Money
c/o Philip Taylor
8992 Preston Rd, Suite 110-214
Frisco, TX, 75033
Phone: (469) 389-1436
As an entrepreneur I’m “always working.” However, it’s best to contact me on non-holidays during the week. I take Sundays off.
If you have a product or service and would like to work with us, please click here to submit a partner request.
Thank you.